Medical Business Associates Service Programs
Medical Business Associates, Inc. provides its expertise in healthcare reimbursement providing audit, consulting, and
forensic services. We specialize in understanding how healthcare costs are incurred and dollars spent. We draw on a
collective experience of individual professionals with expertise in clinical, healthcare reimbursement, and case management
models. Our proprietary audit methodologies in the employer, healthcare provider, payer, and legal markets help clients
understand how to improve business processes to manage and control the expenditure of healthcare dollars. We employ the latest
data mapping and data mining techniques to track large volumes of data for internal control, fraud detection,
and operational anomalies.
We bring over 20 years of experience in healthcare service delivery and data management information systems.
- Deliver a multi-disciplined approach to conducting comprehensive audits for employers, hospitals, and insurance companies
- Resolve expenditure and reimbursement issues among multiple participants in the healthcare continuum
- Provide training programs, seminars, and presentations for professional and trade organizations, and guest lectures at universities
- Develop programs to address issues and requirements with respect to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) compliance
Medical Business Associates Audit and Consulting Services
Medical Business Associates' experts in financial and clinical health care models provide services throughout the healthcare continuum
Providers |
Patients |
Payers |
Employers |
50 - 750 plus Bed Hospital
DME Suppliers
Leading National PBMs
Drug Manufacturers
Chronic/Terminal Illness
Wellness Management
Coverage Denials
Appeal Reviews
Life Care Planning
Local TPAs
Regional TPAs
National Insurers
Group Health Claims
Workers' Comp. Claims
Property & Casualty Claims
Fidelity Claims
For Profit
$10m - $15b plus in revenues
50 to 100,000 plus employees
Government Services |
We provide advocacy services for patients, employers, providers, payers, and support services for attorneys.
- Provide patients personal medical record management, medical bill review, and case management services
- Enable employers to effectively manage and control their healthcare costs
- Enable providers to improve financial performance through data-driven audit and control
- Enable payers to improve the integrity of claims processing
- Help attorneys prepare the strongest case for their clients through expert testimony, information and data management, and evidentiary support